Monday, September 22, 2008

The Zahir-our true friends are those who are with us when good things happen.They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs.False friends only appear at difficult times,with their sad,supportive faces,when in fact,our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives.

ironic...all the things I believed in are falling apart..I am being blown away..I wonder who I am


Anonymous said...

Look on the brighter side..atleast now you've realized who are your true friends:)

p.s. don't know why but i'm having this feeling that i've also made into the fake frainds list of yours:S
Is that true? sesshhhh:S

Anonymous said...

You've got ur definitions mixed up....BELIEVE ME YOU DO...

Anonymous said...

In that case, one should look for someone who's your best friend, and your worst enemy :)

That's incredibly deep, but only partially true. We should not be generalizing everything in life - because even though it may give a false comfort of that feeling of understanding how the world works... it leaves you stranded with false knowledge.

lizzie said...

@ an illusion
ye kya fazul soch lya?

@ hate nahi yara you dint get in what refernce i wrote it *self-hatred remember*

@ absar true..

igtykee said...

listen u r the same u
and im so very sure about it!!

things take a toll on u
it happens
but ur personality, who u really are, hasnt changed at all!!

Anonymous said...

yeh kia hotay hain?

PS: welcome to my blog and having your thoughts shared, hope to see you soon again :)

Anonymous said...

"False friends only appear at difficult times,with their sad,supportive faces,when in fact,our suffering is serving to console them for their miserable lives."

That's true, sad and funny at the same time.

"I wonder who I am"

Why does every adverse situation cause an identity crisis for you? :P